This type of condition includes a hearing of snapping sound or a feeling of snapping sensation in your hip, especially when you run, walk or get up from a chair or whenyou are laying on your back and stretch your leg out. For many people this condition is nothing more than a torment and the only symptom is the snapping sound/sensation, but for athletes or dancers this, also called dancing hip, includes pain and weakness because it is caused by the movement of a muscle or ligament over a bony structure in the hip. Although a painless snapping hip is not something to worry about, it can be a tell tale sign that the core muslces are not functioning properly and the hip muslces take over.
What are the reasons that make the hip snap
The most common area where this problem can occur, is the outside part of the hip. Here you have a group of connective tissue, the so called Iliotibial group, and it goes across the part of the hip that sticks out, and that part of the hip is known as the greater trochanter. The problem basically occurs when you bend your hip, because while you are standing the tissue group at is located behind the trochanter, but when you bend the hip, the group moves and slides over the trochanter and makes that snapping noise.
There is also one more reason for the snapping hip. When the core muslces do not function properly –their main job is to stabilize the spine- the iliopsoas muscle take over this function and tries to stabilize the spine. Because of this extra workload, the muscles has to become stronger i.e. bigger, and starts rubbing over the greater trochanter, creating the snapping sensation. The problem with this muslces though is that it connects to the lower two vertebrae of your spine, pulling them out of alignment, causing back pain.
So, although a snapping hip itself is not something to worry about, it can be a sign of weakness of the core muslces, which in turn can lead to back pain.
How to treat this problem
The most effective treatments are:
-Stretch the iliopsoas muscle
-Check for weaknesses in your core muscles and strengthen them if needed.
– Let a chiropractor check your spine, hips and pelvis for any misalignments.