Achilles tendonitis, Shin splints, Plantar Fasciitis and Jumper’s knees are amongst the most common injuries in the running population. Some of these injuries are the result of overtraining. However, some of the injuries are the direct result of faulty shoe wear. And yes, we can treat the conditions mentioned above very successfully using […]
Tag: chiropractors cambridge
3 of the Best Exercises for a Slipped Disc (video)
Slipped discs in the lower back are a very painful and very common. A slipped disc can even cause the sciatic nerve being pinched causing a pain in the leg as well as back pain. Jasper, one of the chiropractors for Cambridge at Milton Chiropractic Clinic shows three of the best exercises anyone can do […]
The Best Abs Workout, Ever
Every time I go to the gym, I see some of my fellow gym members performing sit-ups or crunches. Sometimes, even worse, they perform these whilst hooking their feet under a metal bar, exercising the hip flexors! Doing sit-ups/crunches is so 1970’s, and knowing what we know now, I cannot understand why anyone would ever […]