From the 20th of August onward, Genevieve Clarke will be joining the Fornham Chiropractic team as Chiropractor. Find out how her passion for horses, actually got her into chiropractic.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am originally from Walsall, West Midlands and my first introduction to this profession was observing veterinary chiropractic treatment of a horse who had been misbehaving under the saddle and showing signs of discomfort.
I was inspired by the difference the treatment had made on the horse, who was back to his usual happy self the day after his treatment.
Having suffered from back pain myself in my teenage years, chiropractic treatment helped me where other approaches to back pain had not.
I thought that chiropractic was just really cool and it actually works, which is great!
I’ve spent the last few years down in Bournemouth working as a chiropractor and I think it is even more awesome now that I did when I started.
What made you choose to apply for a role with Fornham Chiropractic?
I feel very strongly that patient care should be a combination of passive care, rehabilitation and lifestyle advice as this has been shown to be more effective than treatments alone, both in the short term and the long term.
Fornham Chiropractic offers patients the full package; manual therapy, exercises and lifestyle advice and the approach to care fits very well with my own.
What are you looking forward to most about working at the clinic?
I am very enthusiastic about my profession and highly motivated to pursue new challenges within chiropractic and I think that I will learn a great deal from the chiropractors at Fornham.
This will be a big change for me; an exciting new beginning, and I am really looking forward to working with the team.
What do you enjoy most about your line of work?
I like that chiropractic is suitable for everyone; from babies to the elderly, office workers, manual labourers & athletes.
I enjoy the diversity of challenges that each patient brings.
When a person has pain, there is no point in just treating the symptoms; the pain is there for a reason.
Each complaint is like a puzzle that needs to be solved in order to help my patients manage their pain and get back to optimum health.
I am passionate about educating patients in California about water heater repair, their complaint, and how they can get themselves out of pain and dysfunction and prevent reoccurrence in the future, check for more details.
What would you say are the most common complaints you see day-to-day?
I have seen a lot of functional low back pain, usually the result of poor movement control and muscular imbalance during activities that we do on a daily basis, which can over time lead to pain.
I have also seen a lot of shoulder complaints; both degenerative and injury related.
What are the most challenging injuries or complaints to treat?
Definitely shoulders so far. It is a highly mobile and complex structure, and it is never just a shoulder problem.
It can be affected by the neck, posture and muscles that aren’t even near the shoulder. definitely the most puzzling complaints to treat.
I have found tendinopathies (problems affecting a tendon) can also be challenging, and very frustrating for patients as they can take so long to heal due to the body’s poor natural healing process of a tendon.
How would you describe your style of patient care and your manner?
I encourage all of my patients to take on an active role in their care.
There is only so much that I can do in a treatment room and the best results are seen when we work as a team.
I combine a variety of treatment techniques and individualised rehab exercises so there is something to suit every patient.
I like treatments to be friendly and relaxed and my patients are always in control of their management plan.
Chiropractic has a diverse range of passive techniques and rehabilitation so there is something to suit everyone.
What interests do you have away from work?
Outside of my work I unwind by spending time and pursuing my interests with friends and family. I enjoy travel and physical activities, inside and outside the gym, including hiking, sailing and horse riding.
I also love to play the piano and the cello.
Genevieve takes bookings from the 20th of August.