Chiropractic for families
It is estimated that nearly one in four adults and over 12,000 children in the UK suffer from musculoskeletal conditions. These common problems can include back pain, arthritis, fractures and injuries resulting from trauma that limit our ability to perform everyday activities or maintain our usual routines (Source: Department of Health, 2009). These conditions can affect people of all ages, but it is safe to say that the likelihood of suffering from a musculoskeletal disorder increases significantly as we get older – particularly for those people who lead sedentary lifestyles or conversely whose jobs involve repetitive, manual labour.
At Fornham Chiropractic Clinic, we treat people from all walks of life and regularly see families whose members can have a number of different conditions. From babies and young children who have suffered traumas to parents whose desk job is beginning to take its toll, we look to accommodate all kinds of patients in our relaxed and friendly clinic.
Healthy eating and regular exercise are key to preventing musculoskeletal conditions, as lifestyle plays a huge role in reducing the effects of so many complaints which we see on a daily basis. For this reason, we take a holistic approach to healthcare. We believe in getting to know how our families live and look to help through lifestyle recommendations. Whether it is prescribing family walks or balanced diets, we can support you every step of the way.
Not sure that chiropractic is right for you? Why not take advantage of our free consultation offer to help you decide for yourself? Book an appointment.
Chiropractic for pregnant women
Pregnancy is a huge event for women around the world, and the last thing you want to be worrying about during that time is the health of your spine. That’s why it’s a great idea to keep pregnancy as an exciting experience by seeking the aid of chiropractic care.
While pregnant, backache can arise from the hollow in your back becoming more pronounced. As your body naturally prepares you for labour, ligaments become softer and begin to stretch. This can cause severe strain on the pelvis and lower back joints.
Nearly all pregnant women suffer back pain at some point during their pregnancy. Pre and post pregnancy, lower back pain and pelvic girdle pain are by far the most common complaints we see. Post-pregnancy back pain can result from breastfeeding, weight gain, poor posture and strain on the muscles, all of which we can help treat.
Chiropractic care is a great alternative to painkilling drugs as. Chiropractic helps alleviate pain and discomfort in a way that’s both safe and very gentle. Through gentle manipulations and realignment work within the lower back, we can help increase the space the baby has to move in, which encourages them to settle.
Alongside chiropractic care, Fornham offers broader health advice on posture, nutrition and gentle exercises specific to your needs and symptoms.
Chiropractic for workers
In 2010, The Department for Work and Pensions estimated that 60% of people taking long-term absences from work cited musculoskeletal issues as the primary reason for their enforced leave. This makes back pain the top reason for absence in the UK, for both long and short term sick leave.
Although back pain is common, it can also be incredibly serious. If left untreated, back pain can result in long-term chronic disorders which can hinder your ability to work effectively, leading to a poor performance at work and an inability to participate outside of work too.
At Fornham we help workers from a broad range of industries and sectors. Our patients include everyone from office workers to manual labourers, whose issues stem directly from long hours in a chair, work-related accidents, high stress levels, poor posture, heavy lifting injuries and much more. We work with HR departments to create treatment programmes that support both employees and productivity. Employees have total access to our expertise outside office hours, helping them use chiropractic care to improve their health.
Our services are covered by all leading healthcare insurers, including AXA and BUPA.
Chiropractic for sporting injuries
Chiropractic care has always gone hand in hand with sports. At Fornham Chiropractic Clinic we treat players from all sporting backgrounds, from professional footballers to cyclists, swimmers, walkers, golfers, snowboarders, skiers, and amateur sports enthusiasts. We help ease the pain of any number of musculoskeletal disorders, such as foot and heel pain, lower back pain, shoulder injury and back and neck issues.
We not only treat the symptoms of sports-related injuries but help tackle them at the source, and look into how to prevent them from reoccurring. This can help improve performance in the future.
Chiropractic for seniors
Older people often find their quality of life diminished by something as common as bone and joint disease. These conditions lead to immobility and disability, as seniors are much more at risk of musculoskeletal disorders like osteoporosis and arthritis. Untreated, these can do a lot of damage to overall health.
Our chiropractic care can help improve mobility and ease the pain and discomfort often associated with arthritis. Our techniques are tailored to you as an individual and suited to your needs in order to make sure you are comfortable.
We also offer exercise programmes that are tailored to you, with an emphasis on gentle motion and core stability.
Experienced Chiropractors Bury St Edmunds
Our care will individually assess your symptoms and discuss any concerns you may have about recovery, treatment or our exercise programmes. Why not call us on 01284 220202 today and see what we can do for you?