Shoulder Pain? 4 Rotator Cuff Tests

  This video demonstrates and describes the 4 tests commonly used by health care practitioners. Identifying the right structure which causes the pain is the first step towards long term pain relief. The right therapy can be applied using the outcome of the tests.

7 Ways Hip

Lack of hip strength can lead to low back pain, hip pain, knee pain as well as foot pain.   This video shares a very simple but effective exercise for the hip, which can be performed at home without any equipment, called the 7 ways hip.  

4 Top Tests for Running Shoes to Avoid Common Running Injuries

Achilles tendonitis, Shin splints, Plantar Fasciitis and Jumper’s knees are amongst the most common injuries in the running population.   Some of these injuries are the result of overtraining. However, some of the injuries are the direct result of faulty shoe wear.   And yes, we can treat the conditions mentioned above very successfully using […]

Avoid These Core Exercises! Do These Instead!

Many of these old school core exercises can actually do more harm than good. Best to avoid them altogether. Especially as there are safer, equally as effective alternative exercises to do. Same result without the back pain. Our chiropractor, Jasper, demonstrates some of the NO GO Core exercises (he actually struggles with one of them […]

Best Glutes Activation Exercise

In this video, you will discover the best exercise for activating the Gluteal muscles. These are often underactive when suffering from back pain. Activating these muscles before trying to strengthen them is vital for effective recovery and for reducing your back pain. The video demonstrates how to solely focus on the gluteal muscles and to […]

Bury St Edmunds Chiropractor Shares Best Gluteal Activation Exercise

If you have ever experienced back pain, I am sure that friends or family have suggested activating your Gluteal muscles. Underactive gluteal muscles or weak core muscles can be a cause of back pain, no question about it. However, just focussing on strengthening these muscles is too simple. However, it is definitely worth trying to activate […]

New Appointment: Miss Genevieve Clarke

From the 20th of August onward, Genevieve Clarke will be joining the Fornham Chiropractic team as Chiropractor. Find out how her passion for horses, actually got her into chiropractic.   Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?   I am originally from Walsall, West Midlands and my first introduction to this profession was observing […]